Immersion Experience

Benefits to Immersion

Here are some of the incredible benefits of immersion


Learning on the Spot

You pick up on new terms very quickly because you are speaking in real time, and in real settings.


Colloquial Terms

You learn colloquial terms and you stray away from the textbook version of the language.


Gaining confidence

You gain so much confidence in your ability to speak and interact with people.


Deeper Connections

You form deeper connections with people around you because you speak the same language.


The Place

You learn so much more about the place when you are not limited to English.


Quicker Learning

You learn quicker because you are using your speaking skills more often.



You gain a more authentic experience with the language than you would in a classroom.



The immersion experience encourages you to leave your comfort zone.


Why Should You Study Abroad

It is a great way to gain travel experience and practice language skills.

Especially when living with a host family. You are not only immersed in the language during daily interactions, but even at home during all meals.

Make connections around the world

Meet lots of new people in various settings.

Experience a new place

Live in a new city and familiarize yourself with the area.

More than a tourist

When you study abroad in a new place, you start to feel like a local.


First hand experiences from students

Testimonial author

I loved my experience in Paris, France. By the end of the term, I felt so much more comfortable speaking French. I knew the city like the back of my hand.

James Smith

Testimonial author

I spent 3 months in Barcelona, Spain and I fell in love with the city. I miss it every day and I really want to move back. I am currently looking for jobs in Barcelona for when I graduate.

Kate Smith

Testimonial author

I lived in Tokyo, Japan for 6 weeks and took classes in graphic design. It was an amazing experience and I absolutely fell in love with the culture. I had never been out of the country, but it quickly felt like a second home to me.

Claire Anderson

Testimonial author

I went to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a whole year. The experiene completely changed my life. Coming back, I felt like a completely different person.

Dan Smith