Why I wanted to study abroad:
I am a Spanish major here at UGA and I knew I wanted to have the experience of learning Spanish through immersion.
I took the time to explore the four different UGA in Spain programs and eventually decided that I really wanted to
participate in a homestay to have the most immersive experience possible. So, I picked the UGA in Seville program
which is a 6 and a half week homestay. I was really nervous going into the trip, and I was really scared that I might
not get along with the family I was staying with. I was worried I'd have trouble communicating my needs and having in
depth conversations. I did not know exactly what these next few weeks had in store, but I knew that I was excited.
My experience while abroad:
It was definitely an adjustment initially, it took time getting used to living in another family's house and only being
able to speak Spanish at home. My roommate Fontana and I agreed that after our first in depth conversation with out host
family we felt like our brains were completely fried. But we adjusted quickly. Our family treated us with so much kindness,
compassion, and love. The first time we met, we all cried about how much we loved our dogs. Our host mom, Inma, is a very
charismatic, lively, and loving person. She told us all about her family, interests, and hobbies. We spent many nights
talking about Bridgerton and Jane Austen, her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice or Orgullo y Prejuicio. We absolutely
fell in love with the city and quickly began to feel like home. We felt so accomplished when we felt more and more comfortable
expressing ourselves in Spanish.
What I gained from my experience:
It was just as much of an adjustment coming home from the experience as it was arriving there. It was so nice being in a walkable
city, with so many public transportation options. Coming back home to a suburban life felt like a slap in the face. However, I was
so excited to see my family and get to fill them in on all the details we hadn't gotten to talk about.
- Immersion
- Travel Oppurtunities
- Cultural Experiences
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